Category: Uncategorized
You have to get off the plane

FRIENDS Friends is one of the most popular American TV shows, known for its humor and quirky characters. In this episode, you’ll see one of …
Ross and Rachel’s Conversation

The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate (Part 1) 1. Watch the epsiode and answer the question: 3. Fill in the blanks Watch again 1. …
12 year old Benjamin scene

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Speaking 1. Did you get it? 2. Answer the questions Transcript Benjamin.You played beautifully.He doesn’t seem to like to …
Meeting in the Middle

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Speaking 1. Did you get it? 2. Answer the questions Transcript Benjamin: You certainly are beautiful to watch. Daisy: …

A day at a time (S01E02) The series introduces us to the Alvarez family, who live in Los Angeles. The main character is Penelope, a …
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

1. Learn the Vocabulary 2. Choose the right word for the gap 3. More useful vocabulary
If I were omnipotent for a day

FRIENDS S01E01 Watch the Epsiode Let’s break down the language After the watchig Watch again and fill in the blanks Grammar Focus Second Conditional: The …
Vocabulary Review

Mastering the vocabulary 1. Verbs 2. Adjectives 3. Nouns Vocabulary in Use
Always a Life-long Learner

Transcript I pledge to be a lifelong learner. I stumbled upon this idea as I was entering my last year of my undergraduate career, my …