Designers vs Developpers
Designers and Deeloppers

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Designers vs Developpers
Discoveries Key Words: 1. Answer the questions 2. Put in order 3. Key Brain Regions and Functions 4. Say in English Раньше ученые считали, что …
Vocabulary Activities 1. Read the recommendation for Writing User-Friendly Code to Control Rocket Engines and do the task 2. Read recommendations for creating a new …
TED TALKS After Watching 1. Answer the questions
The benefits of doing nothing Vocabulary
Life, Teachings and Legacy: The Adi Shankara Story After watching Vocabulary 1. Match the terms and definitions 2. Fill in the gaps Speaking 1. Answer …
Daniel Kahneman: Thinking Fast vs. Thinking Slow Vocabulary 1. Complete the row 2. Answer the questions 3. Fill in the gaps 4. Complete the Summary …
1. Answer the questions 2. Put in order 3. Math English terms with Russian equivalents 4. Match the terms with definitions 5. Choose the right …
Information Technologies 1. Match the job with the description 2. Can you translate the following sentences from the episode? Every day, a large portion of …
How do fast-paced video games affect the brain? Step into the lab with cognitive researcher Daphne Bavelier to hear surprising news about how video games, even action-packed shooter games, can help us learn, focus and, fascinatingly, multitask.