Designers vs Developpers
Designers and Deeloppers

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Designers vs Developpers
Discoveries Key Words: 1. Answer the questions 2. Put in order 3. Key Brain Regions and Functions 4. Say in English Раньше ученые считали, что …
Vocabulary Activities 1. Read the recommendation for Writing User-Friendly Code to Control Rocket Engines and do the task 2. Read recommendations for creating a new …
The benefits of doing nothing Vocabulary
Life, Teachings and Legacy: The Adi Shankara Story After watching Vocabulary 1. Match the terms and definitions 2. Fill in the gaps Speaking 1. Answer …
Daniel Kahneman: Thinking Fast vs. Thinking Slow Vocabulary 1. Complete the row 2. Answer the questions 3. Fill in the gaps 4. Complete the Summary …
1. Answer the questions 2. Put in order 3. Math English terms with Russian equivalents 4. Match the terms with definitions 5. Choose the right …
Information Technologies 1. Match the job with the description 2. Can you translate the following sentences from the episode? Every day, a large portion of …
How do fast-paced video games affect the brain? Step into the lab with cognitive researcher Daphne Bavelier to hear surprising news about how video games, even action-packed shooter games, can help us learn, focus and, fascinatingly, multitask.
What is Artificial Intelligence (or Machine Learning)? 1. Answer the questions 2. Can you translate the following sentences from the episode? Every day, a large …