My Park

Beginner (Super Safari 1)

I. Listen, point and say

II. Listen, Color and Chant

III. Listen, Act and Colour

My Park Color, an interactive worksheet by AnnaPurnaGiri

IV. Let’s go to the park SONG

1. Listen and Sing
New WordsНовые Слова
Let’s go to the park!Давай пойдем в парк!
The park is fun!Парк – это весело!
Slide on the slide!Скатись с горки!
Swing on the swing!Покатайся на качелях!
Round the roundabout!Прокатись на карусели!

2. Listen and Do Karaoke
Let's go to the park,
The park is fun! 
Let's go to the park - everyone!
Swing on the swing,
Swing on the swing, 
Swing on the swing, 
The swing is fun! 

Let's go to the park,
The park is fun! 
Let's go to the park - everyone!

Slide on the slide, 
Slide on the slide,
Slide on the slide, 
The slide is fun!

Let's go to the park,
The park is fun! 
Let's go to the park - everyone!

Round the roundabout,
Round the roundabout,
Round the roundabout, 
The roundabout is fun!

Let's go to the park,
The park is fun! 
Let's go to the park - everyone!

V. Story Time

It’s my turn!Моя очередь!
I’m sorry!Мне жаль!
Let’s go home!Пойдемте домой!
Come back!Вернитесь!
Where are they?Где они?

VI. Listen and Point. Count and Say


VII. Draw lines and Say the Shapes